Know More About Arthritis, and How it Can Affect You
Know More About Arthritis, and How it Can Affect You
Know More About Arthritis, and How it Can Affect You
If youve heard about arthritis, you would most likely have associated it with older patients, and with a lot of body pain. There are many things about arthritis, however, that make it a unique, and yes, painful disease. Sadly, arthritis is not only confined to the old, and it can actually come in a variety of forms.
The term arthritis itself is derived from the Greek words for joint and inflammation, and covers a group of health conditions that affect the bodys joints. Arthritis has been known and recorded for centuries. The first case was reported to date as far back as 4500 BC. Very simply, arthritis involves swelling of the joints, such that mere movement can cause body pains.
Such joints are sensitive to changes in the weather, and elder patients suffering from arthritis claim that their pains are greatest in the morning, when they first rise. Younger patients can also suffer from arthritis the arthritic joint pain is not usually the general feature of juvenile arthritis, but the tendency to move, or the refusal to move at all, as in the case of especially young children.
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